Syrian children suffer, adapt to war

Publication: Al-Monitor REYHANLI, Turkey- Children at a Syrian field hospital near the Turkish border accept the war as the new normal. Three weeks ago, 15-year-old Mohammed was a normal, healthy boy. Although he lived in a war-torn country, he played with his friends and bought…

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Generaal Sisi, verlosser of dictator?

Geschreven voor het Algemeen Dagblad  ‘Egypte 3 jaar na revolutie een verscheurd land’ CAIRO- Precies 3 jaar na de revolutie is de chaos in Egypte nog onverminderd groot. Toch blijft generaal Sisi, de man die vorig jaar president Morsi afzette, onverminderd populair. In hem zien…

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Verdwenen Syriërs

Publicatie: De Tijd  De Syrische burgeroorlog maakte al minstens 110.000 doden en joeg 7 miljoen Syriërs op de vlucht. Ondertussen verdwenen tienduizenden anderen van de radar. Ze werden opgepakt en opgesloten in geheime gevangenissen. Wie vrijkomt, getuigt over gruwelijke martelpraktijken. De Syriër Jad Bantha (32) woonde…

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Syrians describe brutal prison torture

Written for Al Jazeera Amnesty International says government forces are responsible for “a shocking catalogue of abuses” in secret jails. Syrian activist Jad Bantha came back to Damascus after a long period of living abroad. He wanted to participate in the revolution and started attending…

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Syrian refugees embark on exodus from Egypt

Written for Al Jazeera  Sixth of October City, Egypt – Salem, the owner of a small market in this Cairo suburb, knows all the Syrian refugees living in a neighbourhood that has come to be known as “Little Damascus”. He wears a “Free Syria” bracelet…

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Egyptian protesters detained indefinitely

Written for Al-Monitor CAIRO — As the interim government continues its crackdown on protesters and leading activists are being detained, other protesters are being held in jail for months while prosecutors continuously renew their detention for 15 days. It has already been nearly 2½ months since Omar Assaf,…

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Syrian tragedy plays out on Jordan’s streets

  Published: Al Monitor Almost every hospital in Jordan has a ward where Syrians can receive free health care after being severely wounded in Syria. AMMAN – At Al-Jazeera Hospital in Amman, Fatima, 10, cried when she talked about what happened to her right eye, which…

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Schelden op Assad en huilen om verloren ledematen

AMMAN- In het ziekenhuis hangt een smerige lucht, een mengeling van antibacterieel spul en zweet. Ik kijk naar Ziad en zie dat hij zijn neus dichtknijpt. De vrouwelijke dokter die ons naar één van de ziekenhuiskamers begeleidt, laat de meest gruwelijke foto’s zien: foto’s van…

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Blast from the past for Egyptian dissidents

Written for Al Jazeera Cairo, Egypt – Omar Assaf was dragged from his house by a dozen armed Egyptian special forces at 2am. The 30-year-old financial analyst – a father of three young children – was hauled off to prison last month wearing only shorts…

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